Choose your Path

The exploratory breakthrough intensive session is designed to help you uncover the potential within the challenge you are currently facing. It will also shift your perspective, making it clear what actions you need to take.

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Clients testimonials

Tracy Wright Corvo

Headshot and Branding Photographer

Justin Yip

Business Owner

Personalized Breakthrough Intensive


What to Expect 

Personalized Discovery: We start by uncovering and untangling the nuances within your current challenge.

Customized Guidance: During the session, I will help you navigate your challenge by first returning to the center—a balanced and aligned state where your rational and intuitive selves are in harmony. This integration enables you to gain clearer insights as you move through the challenge to develop effective action steps.

End of the Session: By the end, you will gain clarity on your next action steps. You will also receive the Quantum Integration™ Daily Mantra tool to help you maintain your center of integration of clarity for future decision-making.


Benefits of the Breakthrough Session 

Clarity: Gain a clear understanding of your current challenge and the steps needed to overcome it.

Perspective Shift: Experience a shift in how you view your challenge to open up new possibilities and solutions.

Integrated Approach: Learn to integrate your human and soul self through a centering process, which will enhance your decision-making process.

Actionable Insights: Receive practical guidance and action steps to address your challenge effectively.

Ongoing Support: Once the session is complete, benefit from the Quantum Integration™ Daily Mantra tool to help maintain your center as you navigate future challenges. 


Virtual 90 minutes



Book a Personalized Breakthrough Intensive

Quantum Human Design™ Breakthrough Intensive


What to Expect  

Personalized Discovery: We start by uncovering and untangling the nuances within your current challenge in connection with your human design chart as interpreted through your Quantum Human Design™. 

Customized Guidance: During the session, I will help you navigate your challenge by first returning to the center—a balanced and aligned state where your rational and intuitive selves are in harmony. This integration enables you to gain clearer insights as you move through the challenge to develop effective action steps by understanding yourself through your human design chart. 

End of the Session: By the end, you’ll have a clear direction for your next steps. Plus, you’ll receive the Quantum Integration™ Daily Mantra tool to help you maintain your center and continue moving forward with clarity for future decision-making. 


Benefits of the Breakthrough Session

Clarity: Achieve a clear understanding of your challenge and the path forward through insights from your human design chart.

Perspective Shift: Experience a shift in how you view your challenge to open up new possibilities and solutions.

Integrated Approach: Learn to integrate your human and soul self through a centering process, enhancing your decision-making process with your human design chart.

Actionable Insights: Walk away with practical guidance and actionable steps to tackle your challenge, enriched by your human design chart.

Ongoing Support: Use the Quantum Integration™ Daily Mantra tool to stay centered as you navigate future challenges along with the knowledge of your human design chart.

Virtual 90 minutes



Book a Quantum Human Design™ Breakthrough Intensive